Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Garlic and Sapphires and the Pineapple Hat

After waiting for the better part of the Summer, today the BPL had a copy Ruth Reichl's Garlic and Sapphires waiting for me. I've read her first book, but not her second (don't know why) and am really liking this third. Since half-past lunchtime I've gotten up to page 90 and that includes having to put it down between 1-5 p.m. Good stories.

One of the emails waiting for me at the office was the birth announcement of that little girl for whom I was going to make that Pineapple Hat I meant to last week. Good thing co-worker daddy is out this week as well. Best get started on those leaves. I've made the Pineapple before, without the bottom ring and with a flat bottom to stuff as a pillow for a contra-dancing friend who works on tankers and container ships. Yes, it's someone's job to get goods over the ocean and around the world and he's working his way up the seamanship ladder. It seemed like a good housewarming gift.

We'll see which I make more progress on tonight -- the hat or the book.

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