Monday, October 03, 2005

Boston Knit-Out - What a blast!

How to wrap up a birthday weekend? 1. Be on the Common at 6 a.m. and watch them put up tents (brightness enhanced, it wasn't that light yet).

2. Gather with a passel of your new friends at 8 a.m. (and this was before coffee and Munchins were delivered, bless you Melissa for bringing those). And yes, that green can be spotted from blocks away!3. Have the help of some very nice Rangers. Yeah, the powers that be make you hire them for private detail for your event, but they are handy to have about the place.

4. Have a nice place to hang your sign and be ready for folks to hang out and have a good time.

5. Encourage your president to wear her tiara. It does make it easier to identify her to folks she's never met before.

6. An info tent is a wonderful thing.

7. Don't forget to get the shop exhibit set up ! Thanks, again to Melissa for aesthetic sense and arrangments.
Come to think of it, I think next year we need to plan on those of us in the Shameless Promotion Department getting there at around 11. We had folks wandering through the Exhibit tent as early as that (some exhibitors weren't even there yet) when the Knit-Out itself didn't officially start until 12.

At this point it becomes a blur of people I know I know and can't think where (meaning which fiber event/yarn store) I've met them, and "20% off with the coupon next week (at Mind's Eye), please do sign up for the mailing list" on endless repeat. If you didn't get a coupon, we ran out about 1/2 way through. Early birds and worms, sorry. A friend stopped by later in the afternoon and took pictures. When I got home after 6, he tried to talk to me about memory sticks and this that , the other. Later this week there will be photos from the front side of the table. Many thanks to Kimberly, the aforementioned Melissa, Katie and Laura for helping to staff the booth itself, and to Kerri (who I'm not sure is a Kerri or a Kerry or some other spelling) who demoed spinning on the side of the Mind's Eye booth, passed out coupons and newsletters, and sent people with further interest our way.

I did manage to get a couple brief breaks. The Berroco people in the Sponsor tent had bags they were giving away. It wasn't until this morning that I realized what they are are kits to make the project on the page that's also in the bag. Pretty generous, I'd say. The Nashua people had Kaffe Fassett wrapping paper, which will be saved for special occasions.

I'm suprized I didn't see as many blogger nametags go past. I traded blogcards with a fellow named Dean, and passed out a few up at the blogger table. I was so tired at the end of the day, that when Dean came back as we were packing up, and wanted to give me a shawl pin he'd made, since I only other blogger he'd traded cards with that day, I thought he was looking for a lost and found and tried to shoo him up to the info booth.

And then at 3:30 friends came running up and said, "you won 2nd place for something, go up to the bandstand." Okay, I'd entered two scarves (posting on each later in the week), so I was curious to know which one. It's a lovely collection and I need to send a thank-you note to the folks at Interweave for coming to us and sponsoring the contest.

It was a long and happy day. Anyone who was there and didn't have a chance to make suggestions to someone (and even if you did), please send email to soon. We'll be having a wrap-meeting shortly and would like to incorporate any idea to make it better in the notes for next year. If you'd like to volunteer for next year, either for the day or as part of the Boston Knit-Out & Crochet, Inc. organization to help organize, again, please send email to and we'll get in touch with what needs doing.

Thanks for coming!

Hi Patience,

I wanted to see what anyone else was saying about the Knit-Out, so I checked your blog first thing this morning. I haven't posted in mine yet (or for a couple of days). And I WAS hoping you'd mention the shawl pin - thanks!

Hi Patience!
I am so glad to have met you and the other Bloggers. As an FYI, a lot of them were distracted by the fashion show and the oodles of goodies. Then again, just flash bright and shiny things in my direction, and my attention is GONE!
Thanks a bunch, and I hope to catch up with you soon.
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