Thursday, March 30, 2006

Serious startitis

First off, a couple pictures of things that are (mostly) finished. Ambrose the amorphous kitten was given shape by Lucy last night at knitting group. And I managed to finish (the knitting at least) the April office baby sweater. Ambrose is shown in a pre-felted state on a known reference work for scale. Given that one of my housemates is moving out this weekend and in doing so has mostly barricaded the dryer I use for felting, that part of the process will be delayed by a couple days.

And when I say the April office baby sweater is finished, it is, as usual, finished except for the sewing in ends, taking off of markers, sewing on of buttons, that kind of thing. The pattern is Lucy's top-down Raglan Baby Sweater, done in Sockotta on size 4s.

Things that got started yesterday include:

1. Moebius scarf, which is needed for the 1st Saturday in June when I will use it as teaching material at the Granite State Knit-In at Loon Mountain, in my class on I-cord. It will be striped in the blue and red, with twisted I-cord going around the edge, useful to hide all the ends and rather impressing looking if I do think so myself.

2. The FiberTrends felted chicken pattern, in Pastaza. Because I want to and Consuelo the Flamingo is done. I just want to.

3. The Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmermann in J&S Jumper Weight. Having gotten over my 15 year hang-up and used about a total ounce or two to make the Olympic Tam, I'm now going to put the pounds of it I have left to good use, play with the colors, practice my spit splice and make a number of Baby Surprise Jackets over the next year or so for Afghans for Afghans, who could use some good wool baby sweaters. This is the start of the first.

4. Back in the States and nearer to home, this is the start of the May office baby sweater, a baby Nalgar (reverse raglan). Shopped from the stash, I have no recollection of how I came to have this yarn, but there are two packages of it so I hope that's enough. Machine washable wool it says and that's good enough for me. I don't recall seeing it advertised anywhere.

5. Friends of Himself have had a diagnosis no one wants recently, so I'm starting a FiberTrends Butterfly Shawl with two colors of Jaggerspun Zephyr, daffodil and ice blue worked together. The shawl as written is a square worked from the center out, with the garter accomplished by purling every other round. I prefer my shawls to be one layer, and purling every other round on how many hundred stitches midway through if you don't have to doesn't sound like a very good time, so I'm cutting the square in half to a triangle and knitting every other row back.

Things not started that are still on the list are the sweater for Himself

-- Wondrous Woven Cabling from the Fall 2000 Knitters, done in dark blue-black Green Mountain Spinnery that finally got here after being on backorder for 3 months.

-- Flamingo for the cousin having triplets in July in Florida. That one may wait.

-- Who knows what else.

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