Sunday, October 08, 2006

Frosted Hairdo Hedgehog and a Lovely Day Out

The knitting of a hedgehog got finished this weekend, though not the finishing of the hedgehog. And no, I have no explanation for why there are three bumps in the belly. This is yet another hedgehog colorway not found in nature, but I kind of like it. The base wool is something I have several skeins left over (Cascade 220 Quattro) from a previous sweater, and I kind of like it with the pink. I may try other colors for the eyelash portion in the future, as you can see on the left, it creates a nifty halo effect. The pink looks like the 70's style old-lady frosted hairdos I remember when I was little.

Yesterday was a lovely day for the Monadnock Knitters' Wool Tour (no, they don't have a website). We (Himself thinking we were going leaf-peeping) stopped first at my long-time friend Deb Degan's Woolery in Wilton, NH, which isn't recognized on the tour, but is a great stop on the way up from Massachusetts. We stopped on Main Street for lunch and found Nelson's candies (no website) still in business. Assorted yummies, including chocolate covered ginger puffs, were purchased.

We had a grand time driving around the roads of the Monadnock region, with relatively little traffic compared to the inner-128 driving we mostly do around here. The Subaru has just the right kind of door handle, more like a deep divot, to keep cable needle and pen handy and enable much work to get done on Himself's light-sucking dark blue sweater. Here we seem Himself in the parking lot of the Fiber Studio, holding the back of the WIP, still light-sucking and unphotographable for detail.

I wound up not buying much (other than candy) given the lack-of-willing-to-cover-new-technology news from my insurer (it will be a couple hundred dollars a month), and a realization of the current extent of SABLE in my stash. That closet that got cleared out in January, 2005, is creeping back to stuffedness again.

And this week's glucose sensor readings.... Who knew a tuna wrap (see Tuesday and Thursday suppers) takes 18 units dual waved 9 immediate and 9 over 8 hours, versus the 7 tried earlier? It wouldn't seem like it would.

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