Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I forgot to blog!

Then I can get back to the pretty colors.

Speaking of pretty colors, the next hedgehog made progress over the weekend. I'd put him (her?) down the Saturday before the Knit-Out since I'd managed to put two out of four paws on inside out, but those are fixed, the very small seams are sewn (!), the ends are tucked in and the eyelash is in play. The light pink over the blue/purple Cascade 220 Quattro creates a sort of frosted hair-do.

Weekly sensor readings are here. I had voicemail last week that neither Harvard Pilgrim nor Harvard Vanguard will cover the CGMS, but I'm waiting for the formal letter denying coverage I asked for. For those who are curious, that's the sensor set-up in the spring-loaded insertion device last night. No, there is no photo of it going into the back of the hip, that would be gross.
I've been thinking lately about winter sweaters coming up, wanting to work in lighter weight yarns, but not quite having the impetus to start swatching and calculating. After all, someone else's exact right pattern will be dropped from the blue by the knitting fairies, right? Yeah. In the meantime, I have 2 skeins of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Nothern Lights in dyelot 222 that I'd like to add at least one or two more to the project. The store I got it from doesn't have any more, so I'm starting with the on-line stores that carry it to ask, then I guess I get to start contacting every shop on Cherry Tree Hill website's list.
I'm thinking a vest out of Dragonskin from the 2nd Barbara Walker Treasury. Anyone know sock yarn yardage to make garments?
Birthday? Mini Golf, Blue Ginger (yummy gasping) and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit on DVD. What more could I want?
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Blue Ginger! That IS special! Last time (out of two times) we went there we were early. While we waited outside we saw the wait staff lined up at attention like marines, getting their pep talk for the evening.
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