Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Easing on down the long road

Had the first appointment of the year with the endocrinologist this morning. She had the test results from last Thursday. A1c has come down to 7.3%, which, while it's not under 7%, is better than I've recorded since Dx. For the record, as far as I can remember, the last tests have been July, 2005 8.3%, October, 2005 8.1%, January, 2006 8.6% (December was a terrible month for management), Spring, 2006 7.8%, August, 2006(before CGMS) 7.6%, early November 2006 (after CGMS) still 7.6%, and last week 7.3%. And kidneys are exemplary.

Year 13 starts a week from Saturday.

So, the Sockotta sweater. After I posted about getting the first skein finished, I switched to working on the Baby Surprise Sweater and, after tonight's bus ride to see Par I'm in the middle of the 10 row patch of working on the center 90 stitches. Pictures sometime soon.

The sweater's first sleeve is about to be cast on. Here's a rough plan of attack:

Sleeves – cast on 66 stitches (25% of 260) with size 0’s and work X rounds of K1 P1 rib.

Then, with 3's increase up to 86 by increasing 2 stitches each side of start of round 10 times, spaced X rounds apart.

I use 25% for the wrists since I seem to have thicker forearms than the Zimmermann family. In any case, I need a supper and then I'll get started.

Ah, so YOU'RE the one that makes all those patterns have big cuffs that let the cold in. :P

See you tonight, yes? I'm smack out of portable projects right now, besides the sock for the train, so I think it might be entrelac scarf time.
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