Friday, March 23, 2007

Wally the Green Monster has new friends

Don't know how long the Red Sox have had this up, but Wally the Green Monster has two new friends, Righty and Lefty. We can but hope they hold hands when they go through the wash, because it would be a shame to lose one of them.

I need to write to the Red Sox and ask if they're doing anything with Stitch N Pitch, or if Stitch N Pitch will be happening at any of their away games. I'll do it right after I get done writing the press release for the 2007 Boston Knit Out.

Saturday morning I leave the house very early to go on the Half Mystery Tour with Yarn Safari. There will be 30 or so knitters on that bus. I wonder how many of us have blogs?

Is there any part of the Sox franchise that needs more people coming to the game?
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