Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Welcome to February

This is my swatch for the Knitting Olympics. My challenge is to use yarn I bought at Camp in 1991 to make a tam, using the Mary Rowe Knitted Tams book.

So I've started training by swatching each and every color of J&S Shetland I have. Which is part of the challenge accomplished already, given that to bring myself to use the yarn was a major part of the challenge.

This is a (ahem) self-liking yarn. It sticks to itself as I try to work it. Other than that, I'm enjoying it, as much as you can enjoy working on the subway, pick a color, do 4-5 rounds, break off, pick another color, do 4-5 rounds, repeat. I'm not sure what I'm doing with this, but I can see how blocks of color relate to each other. As of now, there's still at least 10 more colors to go.

Still to do before the flame is lit:
1. Pick which motifs I'm going to use to make the tam (she gives charts with decreases. There may be darts involved.)
2. Pick what colorways to use (talk about mental paralysis.......)

Once the flame is lit:
3. Knit the blessed project and
4. Remember where the tammy stretcher I bought in the Fall of 1991 is.

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